My brother-in-law went to Medan for a business trip this weekend, and he came back with Medan’s famous bolu gulung Meranti and bika ambon Zulaikha.

Bika ambon is an Indonesian traditional cake. Zulaikha’s bika ambon is famous, maybe because it’s very chewy, sweet, and delicious. Some bika ambon that I tried will give the feeling of too oily when/after you eat, but this one, everything just seems so perfect.

The bolu gulung is one of my favorites, it tastes really nice, with soft textures and yummy mocha cream. He always buys 2 types, the chocolate and cheese toppings. Personally, I love the chocolate one better.



Bika Ambon (Rp. 35.000,-)



Bolu Gulung (mocha chocolate) Rp. 50.000,-


Bolu Gulung (Mocha Cheese) Rp. 55.000,-


Bolu Meranti
Jl. Kruing No. 2K
Tel. 62 61 453 8217


Bika Ambon Zulaikha
Jl. Mojopahit No. 62
Tel. 62 61 452 8181