This FAQ page is written to answer the questions that are actually asked by the readers (in real life or in emails), expect it to be updated every now and then. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us and we would be more than glad to answer them as much as we can!
Q: Why the name ‘Food Escape’?
A: Initially, the first name that came out to our mind was “Food Heaven” (we know, lame!) but back then, someone already took that in Blogger so we chose Food Escape instead.
Q: Are you a food expert?
A: Hahaha, no. We just love food (and eating) in general, and we are more like explorers. We are still learning about food and all the glorious things about it, even until now.
Q: What do you do?
A: What? If you mean if we have something else to do beside the blog, yes, we do. Blogging is a hobby and we take it as part-time activity only.
Q: What is your culinary background?
A: Nah, you don’t want to know. I (Daisy) have no culinary background except that I am born in a family who appreciate food a lot. And my mother is good in cooking and baking. Cooking is not really my forte, but I really enjoy baking as I find them fascinating! In the other hand, Kato has many experiences in culinary field: from bartending, wine learning, kitchen helping, he can cook everything that he has tried and remake it his version, often better than the original. Yes, I am *still* learning from him.
Q: Why do you write in English?
A: The actual purpose of this blog is to share the love of food. Although we live in Indonesia and write mainly about food we eat here in Indonesia (particularly Jakarta), but through this blog, we want to introduce Indonesian culinary scenes to people around the globe. We believe by using English as the main language for the blog, that purpose can be made into reality more effectively.
Q: Why do you always write about upscale restaurants?
A: Do we? Seriously, we don’t think so. We write about various food places, from upscale restaurants to street stalls. It just happens that we (probably more often) visit new restaurants/cafes in malls or such places, that it looks like everything is upscale.
Q: Why don’t you have restaurant reviews from (insert area here)?
A: We live in South Jakarta, and no matter how much we love to try many places in some areas, sometimes it’s impossible to go there considering Jakarta’s traffic. However, if the restaurants (or food) look interesting to us, we don’t mind going farther places to try. In the nutshell, we write what we want to eat, not necessarily new trending mainstream places.
Q: I noticed you don’t always post about new restaurants in town.
A: Bingo. The main reason why we started this blog is to share what we eat. Please note that we don’t eat to share, means we don’t feel obliged to search for new and trending places to write about. To be honest, we are more interested to explore new, untouched areas for more “hidden gems” rather than to follow the trends.
Q: Why do you focus so much at service rather than writing about the food?
A: This is the characteristic of our blog. We believe that a great restaurant is much more than a collection of good food. Why do we eat in restaurants when we can cook ourselves? Most all the time, it’s about the service. A good restaurant will satisfy our bellies, but the best restaurant will also give the memorable great feeling that makes us want to come back. That is what we call: service.
Q: I disagree with your review of (insert restaurant’s name here)!
A: Everything written on this blog is purely personal opinions only, so if you disagree with us, please feel free to share your different experience(s) in the comment section below every posts. If there is any mistake, wrong information whatsoever, please don’t hesitate to let us know and we’ll really appreciate that, thank you!
*Last updated: 1 February 2015
If you have any question, drop us a comment below or email us, thank you! <33
*Last updated: 1 February 2015
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