Some weeks ago, I tried this restaurant thanks to B, who introduced this to us. Initially, we wanted to eat in their branch in Tebet area, but after going around and around for so long, we couldn’t find it, so we tried to look for the other branch in Sunter area. Apparently, Bebek Kaleyo has been around for quite long, popular for its duck dishes, especially bebek cabe hijau (green chilli pepper duck). I was told that their food are extremely delicious and very spicy, so being a spicy food fan myself, I just had to try it.
Finally, we found the place in Sunter area. Actually it wasn’t really hard to find. The place is not too big, just like a cafeteria, with long simple tables and bench-like seats around them. Of course there is no air conditioner, and be prepared to sweat a lot. When we got there it was almost full because it was lunch hour, but luckily we managed to get a table for 6 of us.
The situation of the restaurant on a weekend day (lunch hour)
Bebek Cabe Hijau + Rice – IDR 19.500
There is an option to get one piece or the whole duck. One piece costs IDR 16.000 and we get to choose either thigh or breast. For the whole duck, it costs IDR 62.000, we get 4 pieces of 2 thighs and 2 breasts. And the bebek cabe hijau was really spicy. I usually can handle any kind of spicy food, but this one really gave me a surprise! I mean, I actually had tears in my eyes when I was eating. Besides that, the duck meat was properly cooked so it wasn’t difficult to eat. The rice was still hot and very soft.
Bebek Rica – IDR 18.000
Ordered this because I was curious of their other spices. This one also tasted very delicious, with strong flavor and aroma of various local spices.
Bebek Bakar + Rice – IDR 19.500
Tahu & Tempe – IDR 1.500/piece
Es Buah Segar – IDR 10.000
Kelapa Muda – IDR 10.000
Bebek Kaleyo
Jl.Sunter Paradise Blok F20 / 27 – 28
Sunter – Jakarta Utara
021 95700066
Very nice posting. Thanks to Admin of for review. keep blogging. All the best.